Part 1: The types of students you’ll meet in law school.

1. The Master Debater.

A typical conversation with him goes like this:


“My parents always told me I should be a lawyer. You know why? Because I love to argue. I argue all the time about everything. And I always win arguments. Seriously, I’ve never lost an argument.”

What he means: He’s a social retard who fights over everything and absolutely refuses to admit when he’s wrong. His parents wanted him to be a lawyer so he would finally find someone else to argue with and maybe stop being such an asshole all the time.

Listen for the following red flags repeated intermittently throughout his precious arguments: “Clearly,” “obviously,” and “it’s completely unreasonable to think that…” Continue reading “Part 1: The types of students you’ll meet in law school.”

I friggin hate being a lawyer!

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I read an excellent article by Gary Ross titled “Don’t leave law just yet” which spoke to Lawyers who feel that Law may not be for them, that they hate it.

I decided to write this version of his very advisory post for Nigerians who feel the same way, with excerpts from his own.

Many people, after the struggle that is the Nigerian Law School (NLS) expect and believe that they are entering a very interesting field. That “pie” at the end of the line looks very glazed. They expect they are going to enter a big, high paying salary law firm that is soo much fun (can we thank Suits, Boston Legal and The Good Wife for this) with amazing co-workers.

Then you are called to the Nigerian Bar, another hopeful event which comes with the stress and you feel assured and confident as you enter the Nigerian legal field!

Now you get there what do you find? What kind of pie is this? Work is boring, associates and superiors are arrogant, you see some lawyers who seem like they don’t know what they are doing, annoying colleagues, work closes extremely late and you wake up extremely early, the only work you are given is to research and to research some more when you find what you are looking for, you hate following your supervisor to court, you even hate going to court altogether, the Principal is an ass…I can go on and on.

All of this and more hits you like a tidal wave, this is not what you expected! After you have gained some weight (or lost for some of the lucky ones) and your friends now knowing that you will never be available for anything you come to the realisation “maybe law isn’t for me”. You start to realise “I friggin hate being a lawyer”. Your work seems pointless, to you it is not worth it if you are not learning anything and you feel it’s not going to get better. “Man screw this, I hate law.” Continue reading “I friggin hate being a lawyer!”