Homeless student gets to study law at Cambridge University


A homeless student who slept on friends’ sofas while taking his A-levels has been accepted to study law at Cambridge University after achieving straight A*s.

Jacob Lewis, 22, achieved full marks in history and law and was awarded four A*s in total at Coleg y Cymoedd, in Aberdare.

He said he originally dropped out of school aged 17 but returned as a mature student after working in debt management for three years.

Golden Godin


In search of your calling

I don’t think we have a calling.

I do think it’s possible to have a caring.

A calling implies that there’s just one thing for you, just one thing you’re supposed to do.

What we most need in our lives, though, is something worth doing, worth it because we care.

There are plenty of forces pushing us to not care. Bosses, systems, bureaucracies and the fear of mattering.

None of them are worth sacrificing something as important as caring.

Seth’s Blog