Legal Practitioners: Court Efficiency Tips

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Are you a legal intern? NYSC associate? New Associate? NLS Externship student? Do you follow senior associates to court? Then this is for you!

We have all been there, when you have to be ready for your appearance in court with your senior, we want to make a good impression, we don’t want to look immature, inexperienced or naive.

So, in ensuring your best performance here is a checklist for you to help in court appearances. Hope it helps!

No.1: Ensure you read the case file and recent processes filed for the matter before the next court date.

No. 2: The day before your appearance ask the senior Associate you are accompanying for any law reports or statutes you need to carry along with you to court.

No. 3: On the day BE EARLY to the court and get a good seat. Not all courts are spacious!

No. 4: When you get to your court check the CAUSE LIST to know when your matter will be called. Familiarise yourself with Registrars (They come in handy!)

No. 5: Not all courts do this but when you need to put the name of appearing Counsel on the list you write the names in order of seniority (seniority at the Bar) under the party you are representing (i.e. for the Plaintiff or Defendant).

No. 7: Give the names of those appearing to your lead counsel and ensure you take down your own record of the proceedings. Learn from those around you.

No. 8: Once you are done endorse your diary with the next adjourned date and when you get back to the office update the file (every matter has a file in the law firm) and your diary.

Happy Lawyering! 🙂

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